Friday, January 19, 2007

10 things you never knew about Su Ling

1. In this era of modernisation, globalisation and gastronomicalisation, she has never tasted steak.
2. She adores her faithful, worn-out turquoise pair of Converses and can't bring herself to buy new ones even though she knows it's high time she does.
3. She's going to start praying for a jumbo fridge which is stocked full with delicious, mouth-watering, finger-licking-good DARK chocolate from all around the world and which miraculously replaces a chocolate which has been taken with a new one so the supply never runs out.
4. She can't stand Chanel No.5 and cannot understand why people seem to label it a "classic" and are willing to break their bank accounts to smell like...THAT.
5. She thinks the Guess Watches model has the prettiest face on earth. (NO! Not Amber Chia!! The other one!)
6. She will not go to sleep without first reading at least 2 chapters of the bible and she's currently at 2Samuel 7.
7. She likes sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night while the whole house is asleep and then banging the Jacob's Low Salt Hi Fibre tin shut after taking out two pieces of Jacob's Low Salt Hi-Fibre, consequently waking her mother who will go paranoid thinking there's a thief at home and who will then open her room door and pretend that she isn't scared and call feebly from upstairs... " haven't sleep ah?"
8. She has to learn how to surf before she turns 30.
9. She has a sister who used to take her pet tortoise named Ninja on rides on her scooter during the evenings and her mother eventually made her throw it into the pond in Taman Rakyat because she was spending too much time talking to Ninja instead of doing her homework.
10. She's currently laughing at what she wrote for number 9.


Blogger Shan Min said...

omgosh what the hell was this about?? soo totally random! lol hey i have some DARK chocolate frm new zealand baby!! lets meet up one day and you can eat urself full!!! lol miss you! x

January 19, 2007 at 3:23 PM  
Blogger dare said...

i wish i had a pet tortoise named ninja..

January 21, 2007 at 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I once read a short story by Roald Dahl about a boy who erm, sailed with a giant turtle. Yeah I know it was a tortoise your sister had, but still I can't help imagining it. HAHAHA!

March 22, 2007 at 2:24 AM  

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