Monday, January 22, 2007

SammyO's birthday!

Ok, it's probably been blogged to death, but still I have to give MY version of the party right?

So as most of you already know, SAMANTHA ONG had her sweet sixteen birthday bash on Saturday. It was good fun and all, but she really gave me a shock when she selamba-ly came up to me after YE and asked me to co-emcee with Dexter at the very last minute. I was like, WHAT?!! But I agreed, SO. I had to go and buy makeup. Gosh. I never wear makeup, much less know how to actually put it on, but anyway, me, my mom, my sis and Janielle trooped to Watson's and got me foundation and blusher, with some help from the saleslady of course. And it turned out good after all. Hyon-Le said i "blend foundation very well". Now THAT was flattering =)

So the co-emceeing went pretty ok, save for some technical glitches and the sucky sound system. Thank God for Dexter! He's got this amazing ability to think on his feet and just come up with some nonsense at the last minute. So most of the talking was left to him (Thanks Dex!)

Sam looked really pretty and all grown up that night. I wish I had pictures but they're all in FIONA GAN WAN YING's camera so I might get it from her soon, but meanwhile if you wanna see pics you can surf around and most of the blogs have the pics, so, yea, you do that for pictures. I was just thinking, man, how Sam has grown! We grew up together in GHM and my dad used to fetch her home every Friday night after tambourine class. Back then she still lived in Andalas and she still had on geeky specs and was still spewing bucketloads of saliva when she spoke (haha nolah i was just kidding). But yea, she's all grown up and she's sixteen now!

The party went well and it was awesome to get together again with people I have not chilled with in a long time, like Ivan Tan and Penny. We used to be tuition buddies back in the Pn Asiah days and we used to cause a riot in class laughing and poking fun at Ivan and going out for dim sum and all, but after form 4 we kind of lost that gilaness already. So on Sat me and Ivan just went over to table 9 which was unoccupied and just caught up with each other over spaghetti. Then Penny came and joined us and it was like reliving the days of Pn.Asiah all over again...but then I had to run off to emcee and when I came back Penny was gone so it was just me and Ivan again. But it was fun lah.

And then, I played drums! okla, not played lah, more like simply whacked it cause Wei Loong and team screamed for me to go perform something. Man, just touching the drumsticks again felt good! I haven't played in such a long time and all my skills (if there were any at all in the first place) were rusty d, but internally i was itching to play, so it was great fun playing Always and Forever with Zlwin and Jon and with Sam herself doing vocals. I was half laughing while playing cause it all just seemed very amusing to me, and I had on a skirt summor ok! Don't play play! haha.

It was good fun really. Thanks Sam for everything! Happy 16th Birthday! Will get pictures soon if I'm not too lazy to upload...hehe...


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