Just look at her stim face lah! You bet she's ecstatic to be home, especially since I was there to greet her! hahaa...Yea, one friend leaves and the other un-leaves. Haha. It's great to have you back Shannie! Shan Min went to New Zealand for the Lion's Youth Exchange program. She was there for 6 weeks and just came back yesterday night. The gang went there to menyambut her and gave her the shock of her life, since her mother had vigorously denied when Shannie asked whether we were going to be there ;p And then we all cramped into her living room and just hung out, like the olden days...sigh. We listened to her stories and looked at pictures while sipping nice, hot coffee and eating chocolate cookies and Cadbury chocolate (does it strike you as weird that we only had food that started with 'C' ?!) oh, and not forgettting the cream puffs too (see see!!'C' again. haha) ok well actually, only me, Su Wei and Siew Leng drank coffee lah. The rest of them just left it there until it became cold. So teruk right!
Yup, that's all of us at the airport. Leng and Anna so stim, came up with that green poster summor. Not bad eh ;p I don't have a picture of us hanging out at her house cause we were too busy chilling and catching up to even bother with the camera. Her stories are so the-amusing ok. There's this guy from Italy called Lele, and this Chinesey girl called Mei Mei, and then there's hottie Eduardo and the gay guy Brooke, and the behiaobaa Jap guy and Miss world Anna and....aiya banyak lah. Then we watched videos of Shan ramming her kart into a rock (uh, yeah, she's going to be a terrible driver) and her in the Zoub/Zoob/Zouk/whatever. Basically you're enclosed in this huge ball and then you're rolled down a steep hill. So stim! And then we also watched the haka dance, the REAL, MANLY thing ok! Not the Camporama wan...haha. Yeah, which reminds me... Melvan would go "hak banyak-banyaaaaaaak!!!" ... "hak hak hak hak hak hak hak HAK HAK HAK HAAAAKKKK".... That was feeble man. You should see the REAL Maori haka. They're super hardcore ok. They look ready to ram you into a wall and rip your muscles apart and fry you in hot oil or something. Haha. And they're awesome singers too, deep from the belly and very Il Divo-ish. Hehe.
But NZ stories aside, it was great just hanging out with the girls again. We're all over the place now, some in coll, some working their butts off (ehem), some stimming in NZ *wink* and to finally get together again to catch up with each other was priceless. I thank God for this bunch of people who've brought so much joy into my life, and hey! We should do the "C" foodie thing more often you know! There's also cranberry and crepe and cake and...God forbid, CHEESE (eww Su Wei!) haha.And here's a pic i took with Shannie before we left her house. We were emulating the people at her camp in NZ who seemed SO amused with the whole Japanese "kawaii" thing. So Shan was like, "hey! Let's be stupid!" In case you didn't know, we NEVER do the Jap pose in our pictures. EVER. In fact we're super anti kawaii we actually think that girls who do the Jap pose are 2nd class citizens. (OK lah, with the exception of TAN SIEW LENG la, who loves doing the peace sign. She's NOT a 2nd class citizen! Haha sorry ah Leng.;p) So anyway, we ended up being stupid and doing "THE JAP POSE" but with a twist to it. We're goooood.... ;p
And I also found another Jap pose pic with me in it on Shannon's page. Wei Loong doesn't belong in this post but whatever. I just like the pic so I'm posting it up! Shannon calls it "being mice" or somethin, but I call it... Spiced up Jap pose babeh! =)
Had great fun with you gals! (Not YOU, Wei Loong... ;p) Meet up again soon! Love you all! *huggies*
Thursday, January 11, 2007
btw its called the Zorb suling. lol but i liked this post. one whole post to myself. jeez i feel loved. XD LMAO jk!
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