Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I was starting to think that I am one of a kind, a truly rebel Malaysian with absolutely no sense of patriotism or gratefulness towards her country, since it seemed to me that every other Malaysian was practically bursting with uncontrolled pride and joy at our whole angkasawan thingy...

until I read THIS

Then I realised I'm not THAT unpatriotic and ungrateful after all lah.

I LOOOOVE Azmi Sharom. His articles never fail to get me snickering at some of the flapdoodle (with the help of a thesaurus of course! ;p) Malaysia is capable of and his satirical views on everything is truly a breath of fresh air. Plus, he oooooozes sarcasm. I likey!

I don't have anything against the angkasawan project. I mean, if we have the means to blast a fellow Malaysian off into space just for the heck of it, then why not? I'm happy for the good doctor, especially since he's so damn hot and I personally would have loved to join the program if I could harharhar, and I know he really enjoyed himself looking at the earth and it was the experience of his lifetime and everything so good for him, but I also happen to think that all these grandiose claims in the media about us setting the all-important milestone and conducting life-saving experiments and proving to the world that we're capable of anything if we just set our hearts to it and that we are a truly progressive nation competent enough to be certified space explorers and all that stuff, are just a bit overblown don't you think?

Oh and did I mention that the vials or test tubes or whatever it is he brought back from space containing the life-saving results of the experiment may have to be discarded because the protein crystals inside couldn't take the impact of the landing? -.-"'

Yeah. Some amazing feat we achieved huh? Malaysia Boleh!

Digressing, I don't know how true this is, but I thought I'd just share it with you since it's so funny I can die laughing, my Malaysian studies lecturer told us that a certain prominent politician with a perpetual toupee, when asked for his views on the Nurin case, said:




Sorrylar, I'm trying really hard to love this country because I want to, not because I need to. I'm almost getting there. Bear with me all you ardent fans of Malaysia =)


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