Wednesday, November 14, 2007



My very first summons of my life. I feel ecstatic. This is truly historic. I have half a mind to frame this priceless piece of paper up and hang it in my room, and tell my grandkids stories about it 70 years from now.


100 bucks summore ok. Hopefully if I flirt with the stupid fella in charge then can reduce till 50 lah, maybe 30 if I buy him kopi?

KDU is a real shitty place I tell you. Where you expect thousands of students to park when there are only 100 or so parking spaces in and around the college? For goodness sake, build a parking lot in mid air then. Sheesh.

And what makes me wanna scream is I normally park at my friend's house, but it's quite far away and I'm usually out of breath when I reach college, so Jess convinced me to park nearer to college cos she always parks there and nothing happens. And it JUST SO HAPPENS that on my FIRST day of choosing to park there, they have to saman me. There's a phrase for this predicament isn't there? The rule of irony or the theory of first time unlucky or whatever. Some English professor should come up with a new saying for these kinds of happenings if there isn't one already.

A real crappy day I had. From the saman to the whole walking in and out of Atria getting my feet soaked in dirty grimy water from the road trying to pay parking cos the dumb machine didn't wanna read my ticket, all that and KFC Meltz isn't even half as nice as I expected it to be, to the DOWNPOUR on the way home to negotiating with my mom to let me drive to USJ tomorrow again cos she changed her mind about letting me drive, and now having conflicting thoughts about whether I should tell my dad about the saman and having to feel damn guilty cos he'll insist on paying for it, or whether I should just use google earth to find out where the hell Jalan Yong Shook Lin, 46675 PJ is and just drive there with Jess on Fri to pay it. The road even RHYMES with my name heck it!


At least looking at these two pictures make me feel better.


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