Monday, January 14, 2008

You know yesterday I couldn't write? Today I got super a lot of things to write, don't even need to try.

My bag almost got snatched today by some motorcyclist in a red jacket with white stripes. That's the only thing I remember about him. He came from behind while I was walking from my car to college, and I wasn't even carrying my bag on the outside. I think that's why he didn't manage to snatch it, so he held on to my bag and dragged me behind his motorcycle about 40m or so, until we reached the main road and there were cars around. Then he finally realised what an idiot he is and let go. I don't think i can possibly describe what I felt while I was being dragged. It's a HORRIBLE feeling. I wasn't even thinking about my bag, or letting it go to save my life, or whatever. You know how they teach you to just let go of the bag, and scream "fire" instead of "help" and all that? It doesn't work. At that point of time I was just super scared, I wasn't even thinking of the bag, or how to save myself. I just wanted it all to stop. The only thing going through my mind was "Stop dragging me lah you *toot*ing *toot*" I don't know whether he couldn't snatch it cos I was desperately holding on to it or he was just a stupid amateur untrained in the demonic art of bag snatching, and it didn't occur to me that I should look at the number plate. I was just screaming the whole time, about 6 seconds or so, and just dead worried that I probably wouldn't get out of this alive. And I think some people on the road saw it, especially the guy in the Waja. But no one bothered to help. So sad isn't it? So. I gathered myself, picked up my file and cardigan, and gamely stalked off towards college.

I thank God that I'm alive. I mean, dying isn't such a bad thing since I'd be in heaven, but still, I haven't done all the things I want to do before I die. I thank God he didn't have some sort of weapon. I thank God he dragged me on my butt instead of on my stomach face-down. I thank God I didn't hit my head. It sounds so trivial, but I also thank God I didn't lose anything. I just thank God lah, that I lived to blog about it.

Now my bag is torn in half, my jeans are torn on the left knee (they look kinda cool like that actually!), my tank top has holes at the back, and I have horrible bruises all over the back of my hips around my butt. I had to wash my hair hanging my head and bathe with a plastic cling wrap over my butt, you know the kind you use to cover food? haha. And it still hurt like hell. Jane and Jess helped me clean the wounds in the afternoon, but i doubt it's fully cleaned cos I'm too chicken to let my mom put yellow lotion over it. Man it hurt, but I just popped two panadols just now and I'm feeling a bit better la.

But I really really thank God I'm safe, that it's just the butt and it'll heal in time. God works in ways we do not see. I was just thinking that this experience is so cool, something colorful to add to my otherwise mundane day. Obviously I don't ever want to experience it again, and no one should be made to go through it, but I gotta admit it was an experience to jolt me out of my complacency. Friends, we're living in MALAYSIA, where it's NEVER safe, so even though you've heard it a gazillion times, I just wanna remind you again (girls especially): Be careful!

As for the fella, I obviously hope he never does it again, which I highly doubt is gonna happen. If anything, his failure to get anything and my superwomanness probably spurred him to sharpen his act. Lagipun I didn't bother to report because I have a feeling they'd just tell me that these cases happen everyday and they're "working on it". A little part of me wishes that someone close to him would be made to go through what he put me through - maybe a sister or his mother, but then I feel so evil and I have to rebuke myself. If someone hits you on one cheek, turn the other cheek remember? I'm quite surprised that after all that I'm not actually VERY angry at him. I guess to a certain extent I'm still dealing with the shock, and he's just an idiot anyway. Small kid. Sheesh.

Be careful everyone!


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