Monday, July 21, 2008

THIS makes me want to cry. And it doesn't help that I'm listening to Coldplay's Lovers in Japan while I'm staring at all six of us.

Omg babes, I AM tearing!!!!

Btw, in my last post I forgot to add that Pearly is leaving in August too (how could I forget huh?!) The smartest student in class whom i had the honour of sitting beside during biology so i could safely daydream and still rest in the knowledge that she would whisper the answer to me if the teacher happened to call upon me to answer a question is leaving. To do forensic science in the UK. How cool is that?

And what does that mean? That it'll only be the FOUR of us come August!! =(

And Jon is leaving in August too. The guy who is living my dream of studying in Hawaii. Please la, there's no better place on earth to study at than Hawaii ok. So he better make the most out of his time.

Aiyola I'm gonna miss everyone!!

And my feet is hurting. A few nights ago after washing up and preparing to go to bed I accidentally stepped on something in my room. Paaainful sial. I reckon its a grain of sand or some small sand-like object which made my soles bleed. So small that I couldn't even see it. Now the wound has healed but it still hurts and I feel a little bump when i touch it. I keep getting the feeling that whatever it was got lodged inside my sole and the skin closed up, which means it might be inside forever. *shudders*

I said a little prayer this morning. "God, please don't let anything be inside my foot. I hope 20 years from now i won't have some kind of medical condition because of whatever it is that might be inside". I think I'm just being paranoid la. We'll wait a few more days and see if it still hurts.

My mom is back with food. Yay!


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