Sunday, August 21, 2011

Such beauty makes me wonder why I'm still in uni

rather than doing dance. Or at least doing dance in tandem with uni.

Why do I let the worries of the future and this socially constructed Asian mentality that traditional Asian ideas of a good education = future success ?

Why do I have this incessant desire to score D's and above and nothing less than? Is that going to get me anywhere in life?

And why do I let this desire consume my thoughts and prevent me from pursuing other passions? ie music, dance, outdoor adventures?

I'm restless. And I know it's self-inflicted, albeit much influenced by my upbringing. But really, that's no excuse. If I really wanted to be free (in a secular sense), I could.

I could throw caution to the wind. I could resist thinking about the bank account. I could be selfish (occasionally I am anyway - but I'm talking all the time). I could be my own person in all my glory. I could rest. I could do. I could go. I could stop.

What's holding me back?

Too much. That's what.


Blogger cyan_loh said...

Babe, that's one beautiful piece! Indeed you're serious about dancing, and not just thinking you can dance! Hahaa. I want to encourage you to let loose, and walk away a little while to get rejuvenated and reinspired. You truly deserve it! Doing what you love is what matters :) And that takes courage too!

September 1, 2011 at 12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responsibility, etc. I feel you. :/

September 9, 2011 at 12:35 AM  

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