Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I wish

Life was as simple as a daily beach holiday with great company...

But it isn't really, is it? =)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We had a Rangers leaders meeting on Tuesday night, where we were discussing the theme for the patrol names. Every year we have a theme, say animals, and then the Rangers will come up with their patrol names based on it, like Majestic Lion, or Grizzly Bear, etc.

So we were talking, and I said: Hey how bout fruits? They could go "groovy guava"!
Leader 1: or tangy mango... or hairy rambutan
Leader 2: ehsyy... *sceptical* FRUITS ah? no semangat la liddat. Afterwards they do stupid names like "sharp durian"!
Leader 2: Or Botak mangosteen!

Dude...SHARP durian??! ahahahahahhahahaaaha

Leader 3: *extremely innocently* hey, how bout we do names of Taman?
Leader 1: TAMAN?!! Like Sentosa Patrol, or Andalas Patrol, or....
Me: *laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh... when everyone stopped laughing, I clutched my stomach, got up off the couch to stand in the corner, and continued laughing like a deranged woman while everyone stared in amusement*

Dude... TAMAN names?! Funniest thing I've heard in ages!

After everyone settled down (yes including me)
Leader 4: Eh we do names of insects la!
Me: Ohhhh, PRAYING mantis!! *starts laughing like crazy again*

PRAYING mantis!!! Geddit?! HAHAHahahhahaa... I can imagine how fun Rangers would be if we had a patrol called praying mantis. haahhaa.

As the meeting progressed, I realised I couldn't stop thinking of the Taman name thing, (particularly how innocent the person looked when he suggested it, like it was the most natural thing in the world), and those who know me know that I'm VERY dangerous when I find something funny in a serious conversation.

So someone was talking about something serious, and he was looking at me. I suddenly thought of how funny the taman thing was, and I started to vibrate with silent laughter. *hides in embarassment*

And then someone else said something. My brain went: *taman, taman* And then I started smiling to myself crazily again, trying extremely hard not to vibrate. And as he made eye contact there i was smiling like a nutcase back at him. Can you imagine?!

I tried to think emo thoughts but it had no effect. sigh. Thankfully the rest of the meeting progressed without me vibrating again.

Then at night as I was brushing my teeth I thought of the discussion and started laughing again in the toilet. This time it was because of the sharp durian. And the praying mantis.

I need more self-control. This inappropriate laughter problem is getting out of hand! hahaha...

Eh but you gotta admit it's so freaking funny right?

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I discovered that the reason why people say "bless you" when somebody sneezes is because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a moment.



Did you know there's this myth that says your eyes will pop out if you keep them open while sneezing? Apparently the pressure is too much to handle. Yesterday, I found out that the myth is untrue. I mean technically normal people can't open their eyes while sneezing but if you try hard enough, you can without busting your brains.

I tried but I can't. Open my eyes while sneezing I mean.

-Trivia courtesy of Tan Su Wei, a fan of mythbusters.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Of all the wonderful things to dream about on New Year's Day, such as money falling from the sky, or going on a wonderful beach holiday, or Wentworth Miller, here's what I dreamt about last night.

I dreamt that my dad was driving and somehow my mom, my sis, my aunt and I were all crammed in the backseat while the front passenger seat was empty. We weren't wearing our seatbelts. At the junction the traffic light turned red but my dad buat macho and raced past it. And just as we turned the corner a cop/cops stopped us. And THEN i remembered it's jan 1st and the seatbelt rule would be enforced. We do not want fines for both breaking the red light rule AND not wearing seatbelts thank you very much. So I went "shit shit, Ma, seatbelt!" So my mom and I hastily put on our seatbelts cos we were sitting at the sides. My sis and aunt didn't have seatbelts to wear so no choice. We just hoped the cops wouldn't notice.

And then the cop came over to my side. I grimaced. And here's the weird part. All he did was teach me to adjust the length of the seatbelt so I would be comfortable. Then he waved us off.

Dude. okayyyyyy. No fine? Awesome!

Yeah. I was so concerned today that when we got up to go for bak kut teh, I pulled the never before used seatbelt from the boot and made my mom use it. And when we met Larry and gang on the way I made him remind the half asleep Adrian Yap to buckle up at the back.

Remember, be safe (and a couple of hundred ringgit richer). So buckle up at the back people. Yeah I know I sound like a naggy old aunt but you'll thank me when you see cops. hahah!

Happy New Year everyone!!