I watched
curse of the golden flower today with Su Wei n Pearly in S.Pyramid, it was pretty nice really. (You two should watch more chinese period movies la! Get in touch with your roots! Apala eragon eragon all. haha.) So anyway, Jay Chou's a pretty good actor, not as stony as i thought he was. Oh! Oh! I was typing this halfway and the picture that i've been trying to post for Siyan finally appeared! WOOHOOOO!!!
SO, here it is, the picture of me and
Siyan that we took on Sunday after we realised we (gasp!) forgot to take a picture together!! hahah...here it is...(OOOhhhhhh...i can see
Jon going gaga over
her pretty face...dude, control your emotions ok? ;p) oh, and ignore the post after this. hehe.