Kumon sorta rocks these days.
Especially when this really really Indian kid walks in looking all spiffy, like going to a wedding or something, and wears a RING on his engagement finger and the first thing he does when he walks into class is go...
*extends hand with huge ring to shake my ringless hand**In the very adorable kiddo style Indian drawl*"Chinese New Year teacher"...(Yeah, doesn't make sense cause it's supposed to be HAPPY Chinese New Year. But it's ok. It's the thought that counts)
And I almost want to hug him cause he's the only entertainment I've had all evening holed up in there starving like nobody's business. But that's not all. He continues...
"I like Chinese New Year teacher""Hahahaha. Really? Why?"
"My father go and take all the oranges back teacher, a lot in my house! So many!""Really? That's good!"
"Teacher you know where I going for Chinese New Year teacher?""Where??"
*He looks at me all wide eyed*I was expecting something like Paris, or Hawaii, or at the very least, Genting lah you know. But then he says...
I love Visagen. He's loud, adorable and just, Indiany in a very cute way. I'm starting to really like Thaipusam. =)
And then there's Brian Thong. THE kid who lights up my days at Kumon. Goes for gymnastics, has a personal driver, super duper hyper rich, has blond streaks in his hair (YESH! a 6 year old kid ok. I'm so ashamed of myself), very smart and self motivated, and he still manages to be the most adorablest kid in Kumon. No airs, no arrogance, no nothing. Just plain kiddo style ignorance and adorability. Oh did I mention very good looking too?And I was thinking, just give him ten years max lah. Girls are gonna be swooning at his feet man. He just told me today he's going to Sri KDU next year. Man, I was so excited! Not like I've already started coll or anything. But still. High chance of me bumping into him marh....hahaha.
P/S: To whom it may concern.Glad things are cleared up! Buddy buddy! You cook for me I cook for you! hahahhaa....